Q1. What type of roof is installed?
A1. Asphalt Shingles

Q2. What is the orientation of the roof ridge line either in Grid or Magnetic north.
A2. Approximately 008 degrees magnetic

Q3. What is the Pitch of the roof?
A3. East and West roof panels are 6” pitch; south roof panel is 12” pitch

Q4. Are there any plumbing or mechanical penetration or obstructions in the new roof – South side or any side?
A4. There is one plumbing vent through the east roof

Q5. What will be or is the current Electrical service ampacity 200 or 400amp?
A6. Current service is 200 Amp. A second panel accepting an additional 20 Amp service is installed.

Q7. What is the voltage rating, Single phase 120/240V – Three Phase 120/208V
A7. Currently single phase.

Q8. Are there any Solar Array flight approach Glare concerns?
A8. None anticipated.

Q9. Who was the General Contractor?
A9. Cut and Fill Dirt Works LLC was the General Contractor for Phase 1 construction.

Q10. Who is the Electrical contractor.
A10. Phase 1 construction is complete. There are no active contracts. 

Q11. Do you have any pictures of the new building’s exterior.
A11. Images may be viewed at www.soarfranconia.org/toc.

Q12. Where is the new building located in relation to the old building?
A12. The old building has been demolished. The southwest corner (not including the annex) of the new building overlays the southwest corner of the previous building.

Q13. Do you have a site plan available.
A13. The site plan is on file with the town of Franconia.

Q14. Is a ground mounted system an option is there is not sufficient room on the roof to support the required 42,000-46,000 required Kwhr’s?
A14. Bidders are encouraged to propose their best solution to meet the requirements. While a ground mounted system is not encouraged, it is not prohibited.

Q15. Has someone in the group identified that there may be a potential issue with the Eversource hosting capacity at the 1251 Easton Rd Address?
A15. Prior research did not identify any Eversource hosting capacity issues at the service location.