
Tom Ganse


Alex Noordergraaf


Carol Tewes Ganse


Cameron Hodges


Joe Kwasnik

Board Member

Jay Riff

Board Member

Peter Eiche

Board Member

Max Lareau

Board Member

David DesFosses

Board Member

Other Contacts

Jim David

Airport Manager

Peter Stauble

Chief Instructor/Pilot

Seeking Volunteer

Social Media Coordinator


David DesFosses


Joe Kwasnik


Seeking Volunteer


Franconia Soaring Foundation
P.O. Box 30
Franconia, New Hampshire  03580

Airport Address:
Franconia Airport
1251 Easton Road, Franconia, NH
Tel: (603) 823-5034
Manager:  Jim David

Telephone is usually answered 10am-6pm, sometimes we are busy with the planes Friday-Sunday during soaring season, as well as, Mondays during holiday weekends

Airport Information For Visiting Pilots:

Always check the Airport Facility Directory and FSS for latest airport information, NOTAMS, and advisories. Visiting aircraft should be extra vigilant due to heavy glider operations and utilize 2-way radio communications at all times. Be advised that gliders will enter a crosswind leg at mid-field from the west side of the airport and will fly a normal but closer-in pattern. Gliders have the right away over power aircraft. Power traffic should avoid flying over populated areas on the west side of the airport. All power traffic must follow standard 45 degree pattern entry procedures and are urged to enter and depart traffic pattern on the east side of the airport. Please announce all pattern turns on radio if able. Please be aware that staged gliders and ground personal may be on the runway and therefore please allow a safe distance when landing. It is highly recommended that visiting pilots be current with soft and short field landing and takeoff technique. Please contact the flight shack on 122.8 for tie-down area instructions after landing. Before run-up, please make sure that the prop wash is not pointed at ground personal or aircraft on the ground. If departing to the North, please fly the runway heading until over downtown Franconia before initiating a turn.

Franconia Airport (1B5), 970′ MSL
N44°11.75′ W71°44.97′
CTAF/Unicom 122.8
Runway 18/36: 2305’x150′ (Turf)
Runway 18: Left traffic pattern.
Runway 36: Right traffic pattern.
Bangor FSS 1-800-WX-BRIEF

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No fuel available.