Congratulations to Ken Baker upon successfully completing his Glider Private Pilot checkride! Federal Aviation Administration Designated Pilot Examiner Daryl Smith (L) is shown here congratulating Ken (R) following his flight examination.

A big shout out to David DesFosses for successfully completing his Glider Commercial Pilot checkride! David (R) really showed his moxie for Federal Aviation Administration Designated Pilot Examiner Daryl Smith (L)!

Congratulations, David DesFosses for accomplishing another major milestone by successfully completing your Certified Flight Instructor – Glider (CFI-G) certification! Fellow Franconia Soaring Association members gather to help David celebrate and blend in with nearby traffic cones. From right to left, Ken Baker, Jeff Twarmey, Jim David, Steve Brown, David, and Federal Aviation Administration Designated Pilot Examiner Daryl Smith. We look forward to having you in the back of the 2-33 next season!

If you haven’t already, please help the dream take flight with your tax-deductible donation.